Header rows and columns configuration
When you edit your header with the Header Builder you can see an area with three rows that contain three columns each. They represent the three parts of your website header: the top bar, the main header and header bottom part. All of these columns are drag & drop container areas, which makes it possible to add any elements inside them and simply drag & drop them between columns. This way, you can compose any kind of layout and set any order for your header content elements.

Each part of the header has its own settings and you can click the “Edit” icon to configure their height, colors schemes, borders and more. On this configuration popup, you can also mark this row to be stuck on scrolling, hide on mobile and/or on desktop devices, add bottom border line, set a background color and choose row layout structure. To sum this all up in one sentence: there are so many options that are available, that you can truly give your website an own unique style