Page Builders Support for the Mayosis Theme
The Mayosis theme supports two awesome and feature packed page builders. These are
- Elementor
- WPBakery Visual page builder
Apart from the many features the page builders offer, there are 25+ custom builder elements added with the Mayosis theme, which help you create a perfect website.

A few of the custom Mayosis builder elements are:
ICON BOX: the icon box element offers a box with a icon, title and content. This element offers a lot of customization options. Users can upload custom icons or images for example, apply gradients on fontawesome icons and can change every single color of the box.
SINGLE BUTTON: users can add a single button anywhere with this element. A few of the options offered are that users can select button styles from global or custom, users can play YouTube videos with this button and can set icons, too.
DUAL BUTTON: this element offers the same set of functionalities as the single button element, but displays a set of two buttons.
RECENT POST: users can add recently added blog posts in a grid with this element. There are a lot of options that this element offers, like number of columns and post amount.
CLIENT LOGO GRID: users can add their client logos in a grid with this element.
THEME HERO SECTION: this is an awesome element which gives users the option to display a title in three parts: prefix content, counter, suffix content. There is real-time user counter available, and custom counts can be set also.
TESTIMONIAL: this element displays the testimonials that a user can add from the WordPress menu in the back-end. The testimonials are highly customizable.
PRICING TABLE: this element displays a pricing table with a lot of customization options.
SEARCHBOX: this element displays a searchbox which searches the Easy Digital Downloads products. The element also offers a category dropdown.
COUNTER: with this element users can add counters anywhere they want. The counters are real time and can be used to display total users, total products or total download count for example.
TEAM MEMBER: with this element a user can display team members in different styles.
LICENSE: this element displays the licensing terms on a page. The licenses can be added in the WordPress menu in the back-end.
SLIDER: this element adds a slider on a page. The element can be customized and the sliders can be added in the WordPress menu on the back-end.
SHAPE: this element makes it possible to a dd abstract shapes with a parallax effect. Users can use custom images, change colors and change shapes.
MODAL: this element makes it possible to add modals and generate an ID. This ID can be used in the single or dual button element, to display a pop-up, for example.
SEARCH TERMS: this element displays the search terms for a visitor and can be customized.
EDD FEATURED: show EDD featured products with this element. You can customize the grid to your preference. This element is highly customizable both in the page builder as well as the theme options.
EDD RECENT: show EDD recently uploaded products with this element. You can customize this grid to your preference. This element is highly customizable both in the page builder as well as the theme options.
EDD RECENT SMALL GRID: this element is the same as the ‘EDD RECENT’ element, but displays a small grid for the recent products.
EDD POPULAR: users can show popular products in a grid with this element.
EDD MASONRY GRID: users can show a masonry grid with this element. This is suitable for photographers for example.
EDD JUSTIFIED GRID: users can show a justified grid with this element. This is suitable for photographers for example.
EDD CATEGORY GRID: users can show Product Categories in a grid with background images. The background images can be uploaded for each category separately, which gives the user a lot of flexibility.
EDD PRODUCT BLOCK: this element displays a single column product block for a product.
EDD FES Author: this element shows featured products by an Author ID from FES, which you can of course set.
EDD LOGIN: show the EDD login form with custom styles.
EDD REGISTRATION: show the EDD register form with custom styles.